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Just in time to become a Tutor!

Don’t miss the upcoming Volunteer Tutor Orientation and Training!

  1. Real impact on improving someone else’s life

  2. Flexible schedule

  3. One-on-one volunteer tutoring at the Modesto Library and other sites that work for you

  4. Tutors and students are matched based on schedule and skill level

  5. LearningQuest staff are readily available for support

  6. Training on tutoring and literacy standards before getting started


Tutor Orientation

Modesto Library, 100 I St.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

7:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Tutor Training

Modesto Library, 100 I St.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

11:30 am – 3:00 pm

Call 209-558-4505 to reserve your spot!

LearningQuest, the adult literacy program for Stanislaus County, provides training for volunteers 18 years and older who would like to become a reading tutor for an adult.  The training will give new tutors the knowledge needed to teach effectively, including: the special dynamics of an adult learner, the differences in how people learn, the use of the Laubach phonics-based system of teaching reading, plus other literacy materials. All tutors receive ongoing staff support and there is no further cost for materials.  There is a small and one-time $10 fee to cover the expense of materials. If, for any reason, you cannot afford the cost of the training, please request a cost waiver when registering.

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